World Fly Fishing Championship-2013 – Vefsna Region, Norway

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World Fly Fishing Championship – Vefsna Region, Norway
August 11 - 18, 2013
(Updated January 2013)

Monday, August 12th

0600 Breakfast
0800 Departure to training session
0930 Start of training session 1
1200 End of training session 1

Lunch at Grane Bygdetun

1530 Start of training session 2
1830 End of training session 2
Return to hotels

Tuesday, August 13th

0600 Breakfast
0800 Departure to training session
0930 Start of training session 3
1230 End of training session 3

Lunch at Grane Bygdetun

1530 Start of training session 4
1830 End of training session 4
2030 Captains meeting at "Ungdomslokalet"

Wednesday, August 14th

0600 Breakfast
0700 Departure to sectors
0900 Start of the first competition session
1200 End of the first competition session

Lunch at Grane Bygdetun

1600 Start of the second competition session
1900 End of the second competition session

Return to hotels

2100 Dinner at hotels

Thursday, August 15th

0700 Breakfast
0800 Departure to sectors
1000 Start of the third competition session
1300 End of the third competition session

Lunch at Grane Bygdetun

Return to hotels

2000 Dinner at hotels

Friday, August 16th

0600 Breakfast
0700 Departure to sectors
0900 Start of the fourth competition session
1200 End of the fourth competition session

Lunch at Grane Bygdetun

1600 Start of the fifth competition session
1900 End of the fifth competition session

Return to hotels

2100 Dinner at hotels

Saturday, August 17th

1300 Seminar - Vefsn Culture house
1600 Prize ceremony - Vefsn Culture house
1900 Banquet

Sunday, August 18th

Returning home

Datum (en tijd) Zondag 11-08-2013 09:00 uur t/m zondag 18-08-2013 09:00 uur
Uiterlijke inschrijfdatum
Plaats Vefsna Region, Norway
Wedstrijd Internationaal
Water Zoet
Sportvisserijtype Vliegvissen

Dames, junioren

De wedstrijd wordt georganiseerd door de Noorse Vliegvis vereniging en staat onder toezicht van FIPS/MOUCHE.

Alléén, door de wedstrijdcommissie van de VNV, geselecteerde deelnemers hebben toegang tot deze wedstrijd.

Organisator(en) Sportvisserij Nederland

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